9 June 2006

Whadda you kidding? It's a zoo out there

Whadda you kidding? It's a zoo out there!

Like a boy scout, he was always prepared. He prowled the streets in a car equipped with a police radio, a typewriter, developing equipment, a supply of cigars and a change of underwear. He was a one-man photo factory: he drove to a crime site, took pictures, developed the film, using the trunk as a darkroom, and delivered the prints.

He was really an 'Unknown Weegee,' on Photographer Who Made the Night Noir

Then there was the cosmopolitan, interracial realm of club life, with Calypso singers, cocktail-swillers, exotic dancers and 1950's couples, young and in love. This part of the show is cool. These couples represented a changing America, a hinge-generation: girls who were rethinking the "good girl" gambit, boys who had missed one war and would refuse to die in another.

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